Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The stealth nurse.

The stealth nurse passes a bay in a busy city hospital
There are four women in the bay
He is wearing a coat and hat, and for all the world
Looks like Columbo, but older
With shades of ginger

And he dons his hat to these four women
As to wish them a good day
They say
"Annabel needs to have a crap!"
Pointing their fingers, shaking with rage
"Then she will have a crap."
The stealth nurse graciousely says.
"And she will have it soon."

They'd better have some fresh fruit
Now, they think,
To help them pass

But Annabel's still waiting
But maybe it's just a fart.

The stealth nurse is aware
the possible farts do not care
if they feel like a fart or a crap

the possible farts still can stay
for as long as they may
below radar resting and flat

For he's concerned with her skin
and the state that she's in
she's in quite good state at that

So the farts are a bonus
they're not in any way c-dif anyway
so that's a blessing, take it on your way

have a nice day
the stealth nurse says
and she's off, and she's forgotten her hat.


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